Admission Requirements

for the Second Semester, AY 2023-2024

Enrollment period:
January 8-12, 2024

Undergraduate Level

New Students

  1. A Senior High School Graduate from a CHED and DepED recognized institution.
  2. Other additional requirements as prescribed by the department:
    • Interview
    • Senior High School Card / Form 137A (1 original and 1 photocopy)
    • 2 pcs of 2 x 2 pictures and 1 x 1 pictures
    • 1 pc brown envelope
    • PSA Birth Certificate


  1. Report Card with LRN from the previous school
  2. Birth Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
  3. 2x2 Picture

Old Students

  1. Updated Evaluation Sheet
  2. Updated Personal Information Sheet

Enrollment Flow
  1. Step 1: Go to your college/department.
  2. Step 2: Get your subjects and have your pre-registration form (PRF).
  3. Step 3: Go to the Guidance Office.
  4. Step 4: Go to the SSG Office.
  5. Step 5: Go to the I.T. Department to update your free tuition status.
  6. Step 6: Go back to your department to have your long form and signed by the Enrolling Officer and detach dean's copy.
  7. Step 7: Go back to the Registrar's Office to submit your long form and get your Certificate of Registration (C.O.R.) copy.
  8. Step 8: You're officially enrolled.

Course offerings

Graduate Level


  1. A bachelor's degree from a CHED-recognized institution;
  2. Passing the AMSC Qualifying Exam
  3. Other additional requirements as prescribed by the department:
    • Interview
    • Transcript of Records (1 original and 1 photocopy)
    • 2 pcs of 2 x 2 pictures and 1 x 1 pictures
    • 1 pc brown envelope
    • PSA Birth Certificate
    • Permit to study (if applicable)

Qualifying Examination for Graduate School

for 2nd Semester (AY 2023-2024)


  • 1st Batch: January 05, 2024 (09:00-11:00 am)
  • 2nd Batch: January 08, 2024 (09:00-11:00 am)

Enrollment Period:

  • New Students: January 12 and 14, 2024
  • Old Students: January 15 to 17, 2024

Course offerings

For inquiries, please contact:

  • 0910 555 7269
  • 0909 247 5169

Secondary Education Level

Admission Requirements

Frequency / New Students

  1. Grade 12 Report Card with LRN from the previous school
  2. Birth Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
  3. Certificate of Good Moral Character
  4. 2x2 Picture


  1. Report Card with LRN from the previous school
  2. Birth Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
  3. 2x2 Picture

Old Students

  1. Updated Evaluation Sheet
  2. Updated Personal Information Sheet


Junior High School

Senior High School